Office 403 270 9755 or Text 403 371 6860
Your personal information will be kept strictly confidential. Your interest in any agriculture jobs, or any interest you show in changing jobs, will be held in strict confidence. We will not talk to any potential agricultural employer about you specifically, without talking to you first and getting your permission. We will not share any of your private information without your permission, and only then within the scope of the Agriculture recruitment business. We will not share your information with any third party marketers.
You understand that Ag Network Inc, (Ag Network) is an Agriculture Executive Search firm that specializes in finding people to fill agricultural job vacancies. Our clients are the employers who retain us to search for possible candidates through a wide variety of means.
We might contact you to see if you are interested in an Agriculture job vacancy we are filling.
We might contact you to see if you know of someone who might be interested in an agriculture job that we are filling. We might contact you to promote our agriculture recruitment services. If you give us your information you are giving us permission to use this information in this way.
Terms and conditions
Ag Network is a Canadian Agriculture Recruitment firm committed to bringing Agricultural job seekers and Agricultural employers together. In order to achieve this objective, we collect, store and use personal information collected through Ag Network via our contact network, Web site, e-mail, facsimile or telephone. Please read the following policy to make an informed decision to either grant or deny your consent to our collection, storage and use of your personal data.
1. What information is collected?
When registering with Ag Network, you will be asked to provide personal and non-personal data, including contact information, employment profiles, resumes, and cover letters, through the use of online forms. Ag Network may occasionally request that people in the Network provide additional information through questionnaires, release forms, references, psychometric assessments, or other means. Providing this information provides implicit consent to Ag Network allowing the use of the information within the confines of the Agricultural Executive Search business. As a client, you may complete Job Description Questionnaires and general inquiries.
2. What information is collected from third parties?
Through Ag Network’s reference checking procedures, information is collected about you from work-related and personal references. If you short-listed for a particular vacancy, a reference check is performed in order to further qualify you for the position. Ag Network reserves the right to contact your former employers as listed on your resume. These individuals may not be listed as references; however, they will be able to provide valuable input as to your competencies.
In some circumstances, Ag Network will contract a third party to perform a background check on a selected short-listed candidate. All candidates requiring background checks are made aware of this request and must give their personal authorization before Ag Network will proceed. You may deny this request; however, such a denial will result in your removal from the competition.
3. How will Ag Network use my personal information?
Ag Network’s sole purpose in collecting personal data from is to better match work-seekers with employment opportunities.
Ag Network may examine your profile to determine eligibility for agriculture employment opportunities that arise through our Agricultural Executive Search program.
Other information, such as psychometric assessments, questionnaire responses, and employer references, will only be made available to employers considering you for a position with your consent.
4. How long does Ag Network store my personal data?
The length that Ag Network stores your personal data is dependent on you. We will store your data indefinitely or until you request to be removed. Ag Network does not collect personal or non-personal data from any individuals that do not possess Canadian citizenship. As such, any correspondence from non-Canadian citizen work seekers is not saved or recorded.
5. Privacy Policy changes.
This policy may be changed at Ag Network’s discretion without any prior notice or liability to you or any other person. New versions of this policy will be posted on the Web Site, or will be available by contacting us. Your continued use of the web site subsequent to any changes to this policy will signify that you consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information in accordance with the changed policy.
Contact: Agricultural Executive Search Consultant Steve Peddie at 403 270 9755 or e-mail
Calgary Alberta Canada email: Office Phone: 403 270 9755 Text 403 371 6860
Copyright © 2020 AG Network Inc. - All Rights Reserved.